I still can't believe Jim is not here. I especially can't believe it has been two years. Our lives have changed so much. I often wonder what we would be doing if Jim had lived. Emily got babtized today. I am so proud of her. I know Jim was there - watching and proud of her also. Yesterday, I spent some time thinking of Jim, I went to his grave - that's always very sad. I think it is seeing his name in writing with the dates overhead - not sure. Or maybe it is just the fact that he is not here.
I watched a video of Emily's third birthday. Jim was taking the video. She was really into Larry Boy at the time and talked my into making a Larry Bow cake. You could hear Jim singing the Larry Boy song as he video taped everything. He did a good Larry Boy impression.
I'm really glad that Jim was able to be in Emily's life during her formative years. She has so many of his qualities. One quality I admired about Jim was that he made life simple and had fun. He was definately one that lived in the present. I hope that her life will be like that. He was able to live life to it's very fullest. I think that is how God intends for it to be. Me, I was better at having fun when Jim was around but I am working on it.
With God's guidance, another chapter will open. Life goes on and we do the best we can.